Soul Purpose & Soul Career Consulting

Live Your Soul's Purpose

as a soulpreneur – guided by your heart’s desires and your energetic blueprint

Soulpreneurs, healers, spiritual coaches, lightworkers and all other beautiful new earth people – we are here to forge our own authentic path. To create a new paradigm that hasn’t been laid out yet. That is being created in this very moment, through YOU!

And sometimes, it can be confusing to see the way ahead. Sometimes, we get irritated because we FEEL the way forward, but we can’t SEE the path (yet).

Or you are in the beginning stages of being called into your higher purpose but can’t rally access what that is. All you know is the live you’ve been living has become uninspiring and unfulfilling and your whole system is yearning for a change. Or you have an idea that has been around in your mind for a while but it might be a little “out there” – so you think it’s not worth pursuing. 

In any case, you don’t really know where to start or you don’t know what you’re here to offer
– other than what you have been doing.

I’ve been there and I KNOW exactly how frustrating it is to have such a strong inner pull, yet lack total direction, clarity and probably even lacking confidence on your next steps. I’m here to help you navigate through this stage so that you can start creating the life and career that is truly authentic to you and your soul.

choose what supports you best at this time

This is for you if you are at the beginning of your soul career

Soul Purpose & Career Reading

Discover what sparks your soul and makes your heart happy – and now imagine getting paid for that.

That’s exactly what we’ll discover in this session. With the support of intuitive divine guidance & your spirit team. All you need is a calling in your heart that wants to be answered. 

This is for you if you are further ahead in your soul career but feel a little stuck

Clarity Call for Purpose-led entrepreneurs

You know what you want and techincally you know how to get there as well, and yet, something feels stuck and stagnant and misaligned. This clarity call brings you a fresh perspective, uplifts your spirits and boosts your motivation, no matter how stuck you feel at the moment.

Audio Lesson: Soul-Aligned Pricing

Hey fellow Soulpreneur, In this audio lesson, I share some deep insights about my own journey with energetic pricing and the mistakes and lessons I’ve learnt so that you can start off without having to repeat those and jump straight into aligned pricing for your purpose-led business & the secrets to expanding your capacity to

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