welcome to the Soulpreneur & conscious marketing


Hey! Welcome to my blog, where I’ll be sharing information and resources about conscious marketing. business advice, and digital marketing tips, enjoy and let me know what you think in the comments. 🙂


Audio Lesson: Soul-Aligned Pricing

Hey fellow Soulpreneur, In this audio lesson, I share some deep insights about my own journey with energetic pricing and the mistakes and lessons I’ve learnt so that you can start off without having to repeat those and jump straight into aligned pricing for your purpose-led business & the secrets

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Inspired action: Action backed up with energetic force

Have you ever wondered why anger is such a catalysator? And how, when you are angry, you suddenly have the power to make changes in areas that have been stagnant before? Or, how when you raise your voice in anger after your first complaint got ignored at the restaurant, you’re

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5 steps on how to overcome fear of being seen for good

Fear of being seen can manifest in many ways but the most common ways it shows up and limits soulpreneurs in their business is procrastination, self-sabotaging behaviours – such as dimming your light, selling yourself under value, keeping your outreach consciously (or subconsciously) small – and a general lack of

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Is It Okay To Be Authentic In Business?

Have you ever found yourself wondering: “Is it okay to be authentic in business?”
Well, it’s not only okay. Authenticity in the business world is extremely needed!! Not only will it be liberating to you, you’ll also start attracting the right people into your business, and that’s where the magic happens!

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Is It Okay To Be Authentic In Business?

Have you ever found yourself wondering: “Is it okay to be authentic in business?”
Well, it’s not only okay. Authenticity in the business world is extremely needed!! Not only will it be liberating to you, you’ll also start attracting the right people into your business, and that’s where the magic happens!

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